Globally there are over 50 million eye injuries annually. Eye injuries can be helpfully seen as falling firstly into two major categories, (1) blunt injuries and (2) penetrating injuries. Both are potentially sight-threatening and can be complicated with bleeding and
infection. Given that eye injuries are a leading cause of preventable
monocular blindness, they are considered a significant public health
concern [1-3]. Indeed, a holistic view appreciates that ocular trauma can involve associated socioeconomic burden, increased medical care costs, a reduced vision which may necessitate vocational
rehabilitation, loss of career opportunities, major lifestyle changes, psychological impact, and permanent physical disfigurement.
These eye injuries occur across a very broad spectrum ranging
from self-healing corneal abrasions and disfiguring eyelid lacerations to sight-threatening globe ruptures. The required surgical interventions range from precisely reopposing and suturing simple
lid lacerations to more technical repairs that involve the lacrimal
apparatus, globe rupture repair, and even sadly evisceration and
enucleation as last resort with their attendant psychological and
social implications.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the patterns of eye
injuries which required surgical management over five years at
The Princess Margaret Hospital, the primary tertiary center in The
Bahamas. The mission of the Ophthalmology Service of the PMH
is to provide excellent ophthalmic care to all coming through the
clinic’s doors and lessons learned from this study will advance
that thrust. Certainly, this complements the ophthalmology service’s vision of a nation well educated on the importance of eye
health and conscientiously partnering with eye health professionals in a timely manner.
Materials and methods
This audit used a retrospective chart review of patients who
underwent surgical management for eye injuries as recorded during the period June 2013 - December 2018. The study was conducted using an audit of the PMH Eye Theater Surgical Logbook.
The sampling approach employed a non-probability consecutive
sampling procedure.
The inclusion criterion was participants of all ages who underwent surgical procedures for ocular injuries during the period June
2013 – December 2018. Patients who underwent surgical procedures not related to acute ocular injuries and those who underwent
surgical procedures, not within the study period were excluded.
The researchers expected that about 50% of patients seen
would have globe ruptures and next would be lid lacerations just
below 50% of the cases. The minimum sample size calculated assumed a 10% margin of error (i.e. ±0.10) and 5% Type I error (i.e.
α; ±0.10) and it was ≥97 participants. This was exceeded, as the
medical records of 105 participants were selected in this study.
Permission was sought from the Joint Public Hospitals Authority (PHA) and the University of The West Indies, Ethics Committee
in Nassau Bahamas to review the surgical logbook of the PMH
Eye Theater. Thereafter, the data was collected in a private setting
within the PMH Eye Theatre, ensuring confidentiality. Data collected included patients’ age, sex, surgery date, type of surgery,
type of anesthesia used, and level of training of the surgeon.
The data were managed using both Microsoft Excel application
software and version 27 of IBM SPSS Statistical application software for data analysis. Both descriptive and inferential statistical
analysis were carried out on the collected study data. Descriptive
statistics included appropriate measures of central tendency (percentages, modes, medians, and means) as well as accompanying measures of dispersion (full ranges, interquartile ranges, and
standard deviations). Inferential statistics were used to analyze
the results for statistical significance (p-value criterion: ≤0.05).
Correlation coefficients used in this study included those based
on the Chi squared test of independence (Phi and Cramer’s V) as
well as Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient (rSp).
The Chi-squared test of homogeneity or Fisher’s exact test was
employed to assess the statistical significance of differences in
percentage distributions of each categorical variable of interest
when cross-tabulated with another categorical grouping variable.
Socio-demographic profile
Participants’ mean age was 34.3 (±18.7) years old and ranged
from 1.3 years old to 89.0 years old. Table 1 displays participants’
ages in groups as well as sex and the year of their injury being attended to at the PMH Eye Theatre.
Their median age group was 31-40 (IQR: 21-30, 31-40) years of
age range and their modal sex was males with 86 (81.9%) having
that status. It was during the years 2014 and 2016 that most eye
injuries were attended to at this facility (Table 1) as together they
accounted for 46 (45.1%) of patients in this study. The trend of
these eye trauma occurrences appeared to be somewhat sinusoidal undulations.
Table 1: Clinicopathological characteristics of PEACs in comparison with MCC.
Variables |
n (%) |
Sex |
Male |
86 (81.9) |
Female |
19 (18.1) |
Age groups |
<11 yrs. old |
8 (8.5) |
11-20 yrs. old |
14 (14.9) |
21-30 yrs. old |
20 (21.3) |
31-40 yrs. old |
26 (27.7) |
41-50 yrs. old |
11 (11.7) |
51-70 yrs. old |
10 (10.6) |
>70 yrs. old |
5 (5.3) |
Years of injury |
2013 |
16 (15.7) |
2014 |
24 (23.5) |
2015 |
10 (9.8) |
2016 |
22 (21.6) |
2017 |
16 (15.7) |
2018 |
14 (13.7) |
Nature of eye injuries and frequency of interventions for eye
Table 2 and Graph 1 show that the most common (modal) eye
trauma repair procedure over the period 2013-2018 was globe
exploration, followed by globe rupture repair, and regularly
participants had multiple procedures done. General anesthesia
was used on 75 (71.4%) of the occasions when doing the eye
injury repair. Among these 75 cases, the surgical procedure was
globe exploration for 64 (85.3%), globe rupture repair 60 (80.0%),
corneal laceration 28 (37.3%), eyelid/eyebrow laceration repair 12
(16.0%), corneal aspiration 7 (9.3%), anterior chamber washout,
anterior vitrectomy or enucleation each for 2 (2.7%) and suture
removal, degloving injury, canalicular repair, evisceration each on
1 (2.7%) of the procedures done on 75 patients. Thirty patients
received local anesthesia and among them, there were 18 (60.0%)
eyelid/eyebrow laceration repairs, 8 (26.7%) globe explorations,
5(16.7%) globe rupture repairs, 3 (10.0%) cases requiring resuturing, 2 (6.7%) repairs involving the canalicular apparatus, 2
(6.7%) foreign body removals and 1 (3.3%) case each for removal
of sutures and repair of conjunctival laceration.
The use of general or local anesthesia did not differ statistically
significantly by participants’ sex. Among the 68 males, 63(73.3%)
were given general anesthesia and among the 19 females,
12(63.2%) were given the same (p=0.378). The use of general or
local anesthesia did not differ statistically significantly by patients’
mean age. Among the 69 cases given general anesthesia, the mean
age was 34.8 (±2.3 years old). Among the 25 cases given local
anesthesia, the mean age was 32.9 (± 3.5 years old) (p=0.667).
There was a statistically significant relationship between
participants’ suture removal status and their sex status (p=0.031).
Here, none (0.0%) of the 86 males had suture removal, while
of 19 females, 2 (10.5%) had suture removal. The mean age for
the 56 participants who had globe rupture repair under general
anesthesia was 37.5 (±2.6) years old, while for the 13 receiving
local anesthesia the mean age was 23.1 (±4.2) years old. This 14.4
(±5.7) years age difference was statistically significant (p=0.014).
No such relationship existed for those with globe rupture repair
who received local anesthesia.
Regarding the 75 patients who were given general anesthesia,
their gender status was also related to their foreign body removal
procedure status (p=0.020). Here, none of the 63 males had
foreign body removal, while 2(18.2%) of 11 females had foreign
body removal under anesthesia. Regarding the 30 given local
anesthesia, 2(8.7%) of 23 males had foreign body removal, and
none of the 7 females had this procedure. However, this difference
was not statistically significant.
The mean age of participants who received local anesthesia
was 22.5 (±0.5) years old for the 2 persons who had a foreign
body removal and 33.8 (±3.7) years old for the 23 not having
this procedure, but this 11.3 (±12.8) years old difference was
not statistically significant. However, for the 68 given general
anesthesia, of which 2 had foreign body removal, their mean age
was 8.0 (±2.0) years old compared to 35.6 (±2.4) years old for the
66 not having a foreign body removal and this 27.6 (±13.6) years
old age difference was statistically significant (p=0.023). In this
study, no other statistically significant relationships were found
by participants’ age, sex or, use of local or general anesthesia.
Table 2: Frequency and percentages of procedures for participant
eye injuries in the study period.
Procedure |
n (%) |
Globe exploration |
72 (68.6) |
Globe rupture repair |
65 (61.9) |
Corneal laceration repair |
30 (28.6) |
Eyelid/eyebrow laceration repair |
30 (28.6) |
Cataract aspiration |
7 (6.7) |
Resuturing |
5 (4.8) |
Foreign body removal |
4 (3.8) |
Canalicular repair |
3 (2.9) |
Anterior chamber washout |
2 (1.9) |
Removal of sutures |
2 (1.9) |
Anterior vitrectomy |
2 (1.9) |
Enucleation |
2 (1.9) |
Conjunctival laceration |
1 (1.0) |
Evisceration |
1 (1.0) |
Degloving injury |
1 (1.0) |
Ocular injuries are a salient cause of avoidable and monocular
visual impairment or blindness and a major public health problem affecting all age groups. This study, conducted over five years
from 2013-2018, reports on the incidence of eye injuries with sufficient severity or sight-threatening sequelae that warrant surgical intervention in The Bahamas. The minimum sample size was
met, with data collected from a total of 105 individuals exceeding
the expected study size of 97. Ages ranged from 1.25 to 89 years
old, with a mean age of 34.3+/-18.7. These results suggest eye
injuries are possible at either end of the age spectrum but notably amongst the age range 22-43 years, in which the interquartile range was found. The incidence of eye injuries peaking in the
early 20s to early 40s provokes the question as to what factors
may have contributed to this outcome.
A wide discrepancy was observed between the incidence of
eye injuries in males and females. Roughly, 82% of cases requiring surgical procedures were male and 18% were female. These results are consistent with prior studies done [4]. For example,
in 2014 a study done in Jamaica identifying the patterns of ocular trauma that presented to the University Hospital of The West
Indies, Nelson-Imoru et al reported that males were more susceptible to eye injuries than females, irrespective of age. In this
study, there was a male: female ratio of 2.5:1. 2 [5]. These results
are further supported by a survey conducted in the U.S. in 2010,
by the American Academy of Ophthalmology Academy and the
American Society of Ocular Trauma (ASOT). The data showed that
men sustained nearly three times as many ocular injuries as females. It was found that 73.5 percent of eye injuries sustained
were males [6]. Another study done in New Zealand attributes the
male predominance in eye injuries to factors such as occupational
exposure, participation in dangerous sports and hobbies, alcohol
misuse, and risk-taking behavior.
Interestingly, during the time of the assessment, the months
of June and November were found to be those in which greater
numbers of procedures were performed. November accounted
for 20 surgical procedures followed by June which peaked at 15.
The significance of this data may correlate to sports-related eye
injuries. In the Bahamas, the peak of basketball and baseball
season are in November and June respectively. Another factor
worth considering is that of natural disasters. It was found that
most males within the age range 31-40 were at increased risk,
particularly during the month of November [7]. The official hurricane season in the Caribbean is from May 1st to November 30th
and this fact may account for the interesting rise in the number
of injuries in young males requiring surgical intervention in the
months of June and November. Moreover, of the five years, there
has been a cyclic pattern in the occurrence of eye injuries. Some
years more frequent than others, namely 2014 and 2016, which
had the most scheduled surgeries, accounting for 24 and 22 persons respectively. In 2016, the Bahamas was hit by Hurricane Matthew, a category 5 hurricane that had a tremendous impact on
the islands. Perhaps this occurrence is an explanation for the increased number of surgical procedures for possible injuries from
flying objects, or windblown debris to the eye.
The type of surgical procedures performed showed much variation with globe exploration being the most common type of operation done in almost 70% of cases. Furthermore, globe rupture
repair was found in 63% of cases. As it relates to the nature of
injuries found in the study, sight-threatening corneoscleral lacerations were the most common eye injuries requiring surgery with
corneal lacerations involving 3/5 of the cases. Notably, almost
30% of cases had eyelid and brow involvement requiring repair.
Surprisingly, foreign body removal involved only 4%. Anterior
chamber washout and anterior chamber vitrectomy represented
a small percentage of the cases, roughly 2%. Evisceration and
enucleation were rare accounting for a minuscule <1% of cases,
perhaps reflecting our goals to preserve ocular structures and
normal anatomy as much as possible. Almost 95% of ocular surgical procedures were sutured by a trained physician and 5% required re-suturing. One thing we found was that most of the eye
injuries sustained were serious enough that they required general
anesthesia in about 78% and the remaining 22% required local
Eyesight is a significant determinant of health and not enough
emphasis is placed on eye care and prevention of ocular trauma which poses a public health issue. In fact, eye injuries have a major global impact and have the capacity to cause a socioeconomic
burden. For instance, persons affected may be without a job for
weeks to years or are limited to the type of occupation in which
they can pursue, cutting back on household income. Other social
impacts include children being unable to attend school resulting in
parents staying home from work or paying for a caretaker, which
may cause a further financial burden. Additionally, an individual
may be psychologically impacted by a reduction in vision requiring vocational rehabilitation, loss of career opportunities, major
lifestyle changes, permanent physical disfigurement, and possibly
diminished quality of life. In order to circumvent this major public
health problem, prevention strategies must be put in place and
perhaps targeted toward those in our population at increased risk
of eye injuries. Most of the findings of this study suggest that preventative eye care be advanced and especially targeted towards
those individuals falling within the early 20s and 40s age range.
Firstly, patient and staff education through eye care programs and
raising awareness about common eye injuries is one strategy to
consider. Secondly, proper eye health can be promoted through
public healthcare facilities, schools, outpatient centers, and the
wider community. Moreover, information on trends of eye injuries is a helpful means of enhancing eye care services and patient
Governments also play an important role. For example, the
implementation of health policies and legislation geared toward
encouraging the use of protective eyewear in high-risk working
conditions. Moreover, enforcing these regulations by providing
some form of compensation for persons who are adherent and
penalties to those individuals who are non-compliant can further
promote eye health protection. All in all, a multisectoral approach
should be taken as all sectors of society are needed to help make
a difference in eye health outcomes. Therefore, health education,
prevention, promotion, and protection are key tools that we as
healthcare providers and patient advocates can use to catapult
us over the hurdle of preventable eye injuries and decrease the
morbidity associated with ocular trauma.
Acknowledgements: Thanks to Ms. Patricia Hamilton and the
staff of The Health Sciences Community Library and Mrs. Suja
Philip for assistance with the references page and The PMH Eye
Theatre for access to the surgical logbook.
Author contributions: Study design, collection of data, obtained ethics committee approvals and manuscript preparation:
RG; manuscript preparation: AB; statistical analysis and manuscript preparation: AMF.
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